Martin Energy Group’s CHP systems can meet the energy demands of the agriculture industry, providing reliable heat and power in remote areas that may not have consistent access to the electric grid or natural gas main. Our units provide heat and generate electricity with higher efficiency and lower emission levels. Agricultural applications for CHP include crop processing, dairy farms, animal farms, horticulture, water heating, and space heating.

Agricultural biogas plants utilize organic materials found on farms to generate biogas which is a renewable fuel source. This renewable fuel source produces power through cogeneration otherwise known as combined heat and power (CHP). The plant may be designed to accept energy crops that have been grown specifically to input into the digestion facility or agricultural wastes.


Complete, ready-to-use methane digester, designed especially for dairies with 50 to 240 animal units.

With over 100 installations in Europe, this technology is now ready for your farm in the USA … at an AFFORDABLE price.

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Agricultural biogas plants usually generate returns on the sale of electricity alone, meaning the gas engine is important for the success of the plant. If the farmer grows energy crops to feed into the plant, there is a cost associated with producing the feedstock. This makes it essential for the farmer to have an engine with the maximum run time and the highest levels of electrical efficiency in order to convert the gas to the maximum level of electrical output.

Agricultural benefits of using a MEG CHP unit: converts up to 90% of fuel energy to heat and power, provides power in remote areas without accessing the electric grid, allows farmers to sell excess power produced by the system (where permitted), reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and allows for use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a plant fertilizer.